Bio Fulvic Acid

Bio Fulvic Acid

Product Name –  Bio Fulvic Acid Product Description – Fulvic Acid – A mixture of complex organic material of plant origin, obtained from humic acids. Its small polymer unit size facilitates quick passage through soil and access to the root surface. Regular performance with the top quality blends, our Fulvic Acid is purely unmatched. Product […]

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Bio Fulvic Acid

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product name Product Name – 

Bio Fulvic Acid

Product Description Product Description –

Fulvic Acid – A mixture of complex organic material of plant origin, obtained from humic acids. Its small polymer unit size facilitates quick passage through soil and access to the root surface. Regular performance with the top quality blends, our Fulvic Acid is purely unmatched.

Product Specification Product Specification –

  • Humic Content Guaranteed: A concentrated source of Fulvic Acid(For soil and Plant Engineering)
  • Water-Soluble – It evens distribution in soil for maximum effectiveness.
  • Renewable Resource: Derived from organic matter to make it a natural and eco-friendly fertilizer.
Product Benifits Product Benefits –

  • Increased Nutrient Availability: Fulvic Acid chelates micronutrients and helps them cycle for better overall plant health.
  • Better Soil Structure: Fulvic Acid loosens compacted soil for better aeration, water penetration and root development which means stronger healthier plants.
  • Increase Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC): Fulvic acid enhances the soil to hold potassium, calcium & magnesium rather than leaching and lost out through during the growing period.
  • Microbial Activity: Fulvic Acid can be also helpful in promoting beneficial soil microbes that are involved in nutrient cycling and other general healthy soil functions for a more vibrant growing system.
  • Stress Tolerance (Potential): Research is ongoing, however some studies indicate that Fulvic Acid may increase resistance of plants to drought and salinity stress.
Application And Usage Application/ Usage –

Fulvic Acid can be included in your blends

  1. Soil Application: It is compatible with granular fertilizers so it can be mixed into the soil application. This will also have a lasting effect on soil health and nutrient availability for the rest of the growing season.
  2. Foliar Spray: Fulvic Acid is soluble in water based on the product you choose, and can be applied as a foliar spray. Check application suitability with producers in greenhouses and nurseries, where it can also be applied along the leaves at varying rate concentrations.
Application time and duration Application time/duration –

  • When and how often you should apply will depend on the crop, soil conditions, deficiency or stress that needs treating and what results you are after.
  • Discuss with a suitable agricultural consultant or follow the specific crop recommendations for the best rates and timing of use.
Precaution Precaution –

  • Always Use Proper Protection in the Form of Personal Protective Gear (PPG) While in Use.
  • Keep in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight.
  • Avoid contact with incompatible chemicals
Shelf Life Shelf Life –

2 to 3 Years of Shelf life if it is unopened & under good storage conditions

Packaging Packaging –

There are a few different options available depending on the manufacturer, such as bags, drums or bulk containers.

Note Note –

Disclaimer – This post contains general information only and does not constitute professional advice. Always read the product label for complete directions, application rates, safety precautions, and storage information.

The use of Fulvic Acid in agriculture is a worthwhile practice since its ability to enhance soil health is innate. Manufacturers catering to smaller businesses like Specialty Farming, Greenhouses, Nurseries, Hydroponics, Aquaponics Aeroponics, and Golf Courses can add this versatile soil enhancer to their product portfolio. Its extraction process plays a critical role in its success and at SAR Agro we derive fulvic acid molecules that improve the uptake of minerals, stimulate crop growth, and strengthen natural resistance to environmental stresses.

Fulvic Acid is one of the best bio-stimulants however, only higher-quality fulvic acid powder can maximize benefits. Available in two forms Bio Fulvic Acid and Fulvic Acid, SAR Agro products create valuable effects on the soil to help crops and plants flourish.

Description: Available in powder form, Fulvic Acid is an important component of crop health. An organic compound found in soil and water, it is made of diverse elements like carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen. SAR Agro extracts Fulvic Acid ………………………….under stringent quality control to ensure premium quality stocks that complement various application needs.
Benefits: Promotes vital metabolic activities for improved growth. Improves nutrient-use efficiency by increasing their bio-availability. Strengthens tolerance to external stress conditions.
Application/ Usage: As fertilizers, we recommend 1% fulvic powder in blend while Foliar application can have 100-300g per 100 litres of water. As Herbicides/Pesticides, the recommended usage is 20 – 50g per litre and for Seed treatment, 0.5 kg of fulvic acid powder should be used per tonne of seeds.

Potassium Fulvate 80%
Potassium Fulvate is a kind of short carbon chain molecule extractable from the material humic acid. It is of high loading capacity and physiology activity. Also it chelates and binds scores of minerals into a bio-available form used by cells. It is a product that is plant active of humic acid compounds. It’s a plant growth stimulator that increases plant metabolism, nutrient intake and will help with root development.


  • Useful for Bio stimulant liquid production
  • Free flow useful for re-packing
  • Triple packing for longer shelf -life
  • 100% solubility
  • Ready stock

Potassium Fulvate 80%
Potassium Fulvate is a kind of short carbon chain molecule extractable from the material humic acid. It is of high loading capacity and physiology activity. Also it chelates and binds scores of minerals into a bio-available form used by cells. It is a product that is plant active of humic acid compounds. It’s a plant growth stimulator that increases plant metabolism, nutrient intake and will help with root development.


  • Useful for Bio stimulant liquid production
  • Free flow useful for re-packing
  • Triple packing for longer shelf -life
  • 100% solubility
  • Ready stock